10 Must-Know Algorithms Every Software Developer Should Master

Alby Abraham
4 min readAug 12, 2023


Algorithms are like recipes for computers. They help make computer programs work better and solve problems faster. This article will show you ten important algorithms that software developers should know.

Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

Understanding Algorithms

Think of algorithms as step-by-step plans. They help us solve puzzles, find answers, and do things more innovatively. Algorithms make computer code faster and better.

1. Sorting Algorithms

Sorting algorithms help put things in order, like arranging books from smallest to biggest. We’ll look at different ways to do this and see which method is best.

2. Searching Algorithms

Searching algorithms help us find things quickly. Imagine looking for a word in a big book. We’ll explore ways to find items faster.

3. Graph Algorithms

Graph algorithms help us follow paths between connected dots, like finding the quickest way to travel between cities on a map.

4. Dynamic Programming

Dynamic programming is like solving small puzzles to solve a big puzzle. It’s a neat trick to make things easier.

5. Hashing Algorithms

Hashing algorithms change things into secret codes, like turning your name into a special number. It’s like giving things a secret identity.

6. Tree Algorithms

Tree algorithms help us organize things like a family tree. We’ll learn how to walk in different ways in these trees.

7. Greedy Algorithms

Greedy algorithms make the best choice at each step, like picking the best candy from a jar one by one. We’ll find out when this works well.

8. Bit Manipulation Algorithms

Bit manipulation is like playing with building blocks made of zeros and ones. We can do cool tricks with these building blocks.

9. String Algorithms

String algorithms are like magic tricks for words. We’ll learn how to find patterns in words and change them around.

10. Divide and Conquer

Divide and conquer means breaking a big problem into smaller parts. It’s like solving a giant puzzle step by step.

Common Mistakes When Using Algorithms

When working with algorithms, there are some common errors to watch out for. These mistakes can make your code work differently than planned. Let’s look at these mistakes to avoid them and improve your code.

1. Starting from the Wrong Point

Imagine you’re counting things like apples and start counting from the wrong number. This can happen in code too. Starting from the wrong place can mess up your results.

2. Not Thinking About How Long It Takes

Some algorithms are slower than others. If you think about this, your program might be fast, especially with many things to work on. It’s important to pick the right algorithm for the job.

3. Where You Put Things

In your code, you have places where things can be used. Sometimes, you use something in the wrong place, and that can cause trouble. It’s like putting a toy in the wrong box.

4. Forgetting Unusual Situations

Your code might work great most of the time, but what if something strange happens? Forgetting to plan for these strange situations can lead to problems that are hard to figure out.

5. Using a Trick Too Much

Tricks can be helpful, but using them too much can be a problem. Think of a game where you repeat a move too many times — it can confuse things.

6. Getting Numbers Mixed Up

In your code, you might have lists of things. Each thing has a number. But if you mix up the numbers, it’s like giving the wrong name to someone. This can confuse.

7. Not Taking Care of Memory

In your code, you use memory to store things. But if you don’t clean up after using memory, it’s like leaving your toys all over the place. This can slow things down.

8. Not Following the Plan

Think of a recipe — the food might not taste right if you don’t follow the steps in order. The same goes for code. If you don’t follow the plan, your code might fail.

9. Making Things Hard to Read

Imagine reading a book with messy writing and no spaces. Hard, right? Code can be like that too. If your code is challenging to read, it’s tough for others (and even you) to understand.

10. Not Checking Before Using

Before you launch a rocket, you make sure everything is working. It’s the same with code. You need to check your code before using it so you catch mistakes before they cause big trouble.


Algorithms are secret tools that help developers make amazing things with code. Keep learning and practicing; you’ll become a great coder with these powerful tools!

